Instance Hardness analysis in Python, with a two-fold objective: insights on data quality issues; and better understanding of the weaknesses and strengths of different algorithms.
PyPi package:
Source code: ita-ml/pyhard
Bug reports: ita-ml/pyhard/issues
PyHard employes a methodology known as Instance Space Analysis (ISA) to analyse performance at the instance level rather than at dataset level. The result is an alternative for visualizing algorithm performance for each instance within a dataset, by relating predictive performance to estimated instance hardness measures extracted from the data. This analysis reveals regions of strengths and weaknesses of predictors (aka footprints), and highlights individual instances within a dataset that warrant further investigation, either due to their unique properties or potential data quality issues.
If you’re using PyHard in your research or application, please cite our paper:
Paiva, P. Y. A., Moreno, C. C., Smith-Miles, K., Valeriano, M. G., & Lorena, A. C. (2022). Relating instance hardness to classification performance in a dataset: a visual approach. Machine Learning, 111(8), 3085-3123.
title={Relating instance hardness to classification performance in a dataset: a visual approach},
author={Paiva, Pedro Yuri Arbs and Moreno, Camila Castro and Smith-Miles, Kate and Valeriano, Maria Gabriela and Lorena, Ana Carolina},
journal={Machine Learning},
Michael R. Smith, Tony Martinez, and Christophe Giraud-Carrier. 2014. An instance level analysis of data complexity. Mach. Learn. 95, 2 (May 2014), 225–256.
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Mario A. Muñoz, Laura Villanova, Davaatseren Baatar, and Kate Smith-Miles. 2018. Instance spaces for machine learning classification. Mach. Learn. 107, 1 (January 2018), 109–147.
Feature selection
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Hyper-parameter optimization
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